4 Unexpected Travel Issues You Should Prepare For
Are you preparing for your next hiking trip? If so, then you need to make sure that you are ready for some of the unexpected turbulence that you might encounter that could throw off your travel plans. Here are some of the key examples that you should keep in mind.

Rainy Days
It doesn’t matter which tropical paradise you may be visiting, you still need to make sure that you are preparing for those rainy days as some hikes become inaccessible or dangerous if the weather changes. If traveling in the United States, I always recommend resources like weather.gov to plan for your exact location. Sunshine is far from a guarantee and you need to make sure that you are thinking about what you’re going to do if the weather doesn’t play ball. The good news is that there are lots of options to explore here. For instance, you could sit in your room and watch Netlfix. You just need to make sure that you have a great VPN service if you want to access the home favorites that you know and love.
You could also find that you encounter delays while traveling. Usually, this will be due to poor weather conditions. However, it could also be caused by a technical problem with your flight. You might even find that a delay is triggered due to a random issue such as civil unrest. Again, it always depends on the area you are visiting and where you are flying from. This is why you should make sure that you have a spare change of clothes in your carry-on luggage + some built in time if you do plan on doing a longer backpacking trip or guided hike. That way, you’ll be able to avoid a situation where you feel dirty and unclean while stuck in an unfamiliar location.

Sickness And Bugs
While you probably hope it won’t happen, there’s always the chance that you might come down with a sickness or a bug while you are traveling. If you are worried about this, then you should make sure that you are getting the right level of travel insurance. Do be aware that travel insurance can be more expensive depending on the country that you are visiting. Be sure to check your credit card to see if they issue travel insurance should your plans change. Traveling without insurance is risky but insurance is not right for everyone so you need to evaluate that based on your hiking and travel plans.
Finally, you might find that some of the trails, hikes, activities planned, and experiences are closed for business once you reach your location. This could be due to downtime or a wide range of other issues such as poor trail conditions, dangerous weather, protecting wildlife etc. If you are worried about this, then we recommend that you do think about ensuring that you have backup plans in place. When Jackie and I plan trips, we like to have A, B and C hikes just in case there is a hike closure. Make sure that there are other things that you can do on each day of your trip should there be closures or weather delays. With a backup plan, you’ll never feel as though you are wasting a day while traveling and you’ll still be able to create some truly incredible memories.

We hope this helps you understand some of the key unexpected travel issues that you do need to prepare for. In doing so, you can guarantee that you have a great time on your trip, even if you do run into some of these problems.